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EU’s Brexit strategy: Grab the popcorn Resignation of British envoy is latest sign of anarchy in the UK, as London prepares to invoke Article 50.

By DAVID M. HERSZENHORN. www.politico.eu 4/1/17, 6:36 PM CET Updated 9/1/17, 8:23 AM CET

Monday 9 January 2017, by Carlos San Juan

Why should the European Union jump into the Brexit fight, when the United Kingdom is doing such a great job of fighting itself?

For Brussels, the surprise resignation Tuesday of Sir Ivan Rogers, the U.K.’s seasoned and well-respected ambassador to the EU, provided the most dramatic and forceful validation yet of the bloc’s discipline in insisting that negotiations would not begin until the formal triggering of Article 50.

Over the half-year since the vote in favor of Brexit, leaders of the remaining EU27 have watched, with dismay, and no small amount of disbelief, as Britain battled itself: the resignation of Prime Minister David Cameron; the messy in-fighting among Tories to replace him; the disintegration of the UKIP leadership, which led to a physical altercation in the European Parliament; and every manner of dispute and disagreement over whether Brexit should be hard or soft, quick or gradual, blah, blah, blah.

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