Value of production of agricultural products and foodstuffs, wines, aromatised wines and spirits protected by a geographical indication (GI)
European Commission Final report - October 2012
Wednesday 6 March 2013, by Carlos San Juan
The present study aimed to 1) update the database for the period 2009-2010; 2)
expand and complete the database with data on the volume, value and trade of
production for each wine, aromatised wine and spirit registered under GI for the period
2005-2010; 3) analyse the value premium received by products bearing a registered
name, to assess the evolution of value, volume and trade of geographical indications
during the period 2005-2010; and, finally, to compare the situation with standard
products and between different GI products and sectors at EU and Member State
1.2. Scope
The data collection covered 2 768 GIs in the 27 Member States of the European Union
in 2010. It referred to 4 regulations:
o Reg. (EEC) No 1601/91: aromatised wines (4 GIs, 0.1% of the European
o Reg. (EC) No 510/2006: agricultural products and foodstuffs (867 GIs,
31.3% of the European GIs);
o Reg. (EC) No 1234/2007: wines (1 560 GIs, 56.4% of the European GIs);
o Reg. (EC) No 110/2008: spirits (337 GIs, 12.2% of the European GIs).
More than 80% of GIs were registered in 6 member states: Italy, France, Spain,
Greece, Portugal and Germany.
The study took into account the sales at wholesale stage at regional level, transport
and taxes excluded (ex-dairy stage; ex-slaughterhouse stage; ex-factory stage, exwinery stage…).
In the wine and spirit sector, value was estimated on the base of a bottle price for the
national market (estimated ex-area of production stage) and a price taking into account
bulk and bottle sales on EU markets and extra EU markets, depending on trade
statistics (COMEXT)