Universidad Carlos III de Madrid - UC3M

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Economics of European Integration

Latest addition – Monday 26 August 2024.


Basic textbook:

• Theo Hitiris. European Union Economics. 5th edition. Prentice-Hall. 2003

• Ali El-Agraa. The European Union: Economics and Policies. Prentice-Hall; 7 edition. 2004

• Paul De Grauwe. Economics of Monetary Union. Oxford University Press. 2007.

FAQs Frequently answer questions about the course of Economics of European Integration / Preguntas frecuentes en el curso de Economía de la Integración Europea


Grupo magistral: Dr. Carlos San Juan Mesonada (Coordinador de la asignatura

Grupos reducidos de prácticas: Dr. Pedro Cánovas


Groups 60 and 61

Lecturer: Juan Ignacio Diaz Bidart

Teacher Assistant: Joan Rodriguez I Salleras


Continuous evaluation 60% and final exam 40%. Grades of the continuous evaluation will be posted in Aula Global before the final exam, from 0 to 65. Remember that the continuous evaluation is comprised of 40 points from the midterm exam + 20 points from the essay (and a bonus of up to 5 extra points for submission of assignments, for participation in class, for oral presentation of the essay in front of the class, and for peer-reviewing the essay presentation of other students). The final exam will add up to a maximum of the remaining 40 points.


Students cannot change groups.

UC3M students doing internships in a company or an academic exchange (or similar situation) may opt, with prior authorization from their professor, for the 80-20 system: 80% final exam and 20% individual essay (a 20-page essay instead of 10). As everyone else, the student should submit the chosen topic for the essay through Aula Global by October, 4 2024, and the final version of the essay through Turnitin in Aula Global by November, 16 2024.

According to the regulation (click here->


Extension. Maximum 10 pages for the body of the essay (unless you have been allowed to follow the 80-20 system, in which case the body’s essay shall be 20 pages). There will be voluntary oral presentations of the essays at the end of both theoretical and practical classes from Thursday, 7 November 2024. Each presentation will last up to 10 minutes, and it will be followed by a 5-minute peer-review from another group of students and from the teacher. Grades can differ between the authors of the same essay (based, for example, in the oral presentation).), there will not be alternative dates for neither the midterm nor the final exam. Suppose students are not able to attend the midterm or the final exam. In that case, they will have to do the final exam in June (in that case, it will count as the extraordinary exam of June, meaning that in your Academic Record of December you will have "No presentado", and you will see your final grade in your Academic Record of June). If exchange students do not want to travel to do the June exam in Madrid, they can do it online if the university in their country find a proctor to monitor the student during the exam.


Extension. Maximum 10 pages for the body of the essay (unless you have been allowed to follow the 80-20 system, in which case the body’s essay shall be 20 pages). There will be voluntary oral presentations of the essays at the end of both theoretical and practical classes from November 7, 2024. Each presentation will last up to 10 minutes, and it will be followed by a 5-minute peer review from another group of students and from the teacher. Grades can differ between the authors of the same essay (based, for example, in the oral presentation).

Submission of the topic chosen for the essay and the team members. By Thursday, 26 September 2024, students should submit through Aula Global an Assignment "Course Paper":

The names and surnames of the team members (up to 3).

The topic chosen for the essay (it cannot be changed afterward);

A brief explanation/motivation for choosing that topic.

A tentative structure of the future essay.

Some literature that they plan to consult.

Whether the group is willing to do a 10-minute voluntary presentation of their essay in front of the class (they will also have to do a 5-minute peer review of the essay of another group on a different day). Presentation dates will be set later.

This information will not be graded at this stage. In case the team is made up of 2 or 3 members, only one of them should submit the information listed. You can discuss the topic with the Lecturer and/or the Teacher Assistant before the submission date. Once submitted, the Teacher Assistant shall accept the topic. Please note that essay topics sent by email to the teachers will not be taken into account; they should be submitted through Aula Global.

Submission of the final version of the essay. By November 7, 2024, students should have submitted through the Turnitin tool the final version of their essays. No essay will be admitted after that deadline. In case the team is made up of 2 or 3 members, only one of them (the one that in September submitted the team members’ names and the chosen topic) should submit the final version of the essay. Please note that essays sent by email to the teachers will not be graded; they should be submitted through Turnitin. Only WORD and PDF formats are accepted (but not scanned files). It can be uploaded just once, and you will immediately receive the so-called "Similarity Report," which is the percentage of your essay that matches with something that has already been written in the past (Turnitin has a huge database of previous works from around the world, articles in journals, etc. and it also checks the internet to find similarities). That percentage is an indicator of plagiarism, so be careful because UC3M regulation is quite strict on this issue. Please cite correctly so you avoid plagiarism; see the following link (in English) and video (sorry, only available in Spanish) for some indications.


The midterm exam is scheduled for Monday, 18 November 2024 (16’00h, room of theoretical classes). The exam will be done using Socrative software, which means that on the day of the exam, students should bring their laptops/tablets with internet connection (the smartphone cannot be used to do the exam). It will be a multiple-choice test with theory and practical exercises covered in class until the exam date. There are usually 15-20 theoretical questions and two practical exercises (also in multiple-choice format). The theoretical questions will weight 60% of the grade, and the practical exercises will weight 40%. At the beginning of the exam, the teachers will hand out blank paper on which students must develop the exercises; this paper must be returned to the teachers at the end of the exam, with the student’s name and signature on it. At the end of the exam, each student will see his/her grade on the screen. Calculators can be used, but only those of laptops (no physical calculators). Students should bring a physical identification document.


The instructions are the same as those for the midterm exam. It will cover the whole subject (i.e., also those lessons covered by the midterm exam). The final exam will take place on Wednesday, 18 December 2024, at 12’00h (rooms yet to be determined).


Submissions of Problem Sets, together with active participation in both theoretical and practical classes and presentations & peer-reviews of essays in class, can add an extra 5% to the final grade. Please note that the real value of theoretical and practical classes resides in the preparation of both midterm and final exams, which together represent 80% of the final grade.

Throughout the practical classes, we will analyze the graphical and quantitative aspects of the different types of economic integration from a partial equilibrium perspective (i.e., ceteris paribus). We shall cover both the Theory of Economic Integration slides and the related exercises (Problem Sets 1 to 5). Files are posted in Aula Global. For the first four Problem Sets, ASSIGNMENTS will be opened in Aula Global for students to submit in PDF format their solutions to the exercises (scanned manuscripts are accepted -and advisable; please do not waste time on typescripts). Assignments will be graded on a scale from A to D. The solutions to the Problem Sets will be explained in the practical classes, and they will not be posted in Aula Global.

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