Viernes 4 de septiembre de 2009
Riesgos climáticos y cambio técnico, lecturas C. San Juan Mesonada eds.
Convenio sobre la diversidad biológica
Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future (Brundtland-Report)
European Environmental Agency: Greenhouse Gas Country
European Society for Ecological Economics
International Energy Agency: World Energy Outlook 2008
The International Society for Ecological Economics
International Union for Conservation of Nature: Red List of Threatened Species
Ministerio de medio ambiente y medio rural y marino
Naciones Unidas: División de Desarrollo Sostenible
Observatorio de la sostenibilidad en España
The Economics of Climate Change (The Stern-Review)
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: Kyoto Protocol
United Nations Statistics Division: Environmental-Economic Accounting