Author: Tammer Kamel,;
Jueves 25 de abril de 2013, por Carlos San Juan
I have developed a tailored for researchers, and especially students. The site is open and free, and has over 5 million economic, demographic, and social time series datasets available for downloading. Importantly, the ease by which a user can find, trim, transform, merge, and download time series data from Quandl is in my opinion, unmatched elsewhere.
I’ve provided more information here:
QUANDL repository for economic and financial data
Tammer Kamel
At Quandl our mission is to make data easy to find and easy to use. We do this by indexing time-series data from the Internet and making it available in a standardized format through our search engine. Quandl allows users to export any data set in ready-to-use formats like .csv, .xml and others. We are enabling the power of data.