Universidad Carlos III de Madrid - UC3M

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QUANDL repository for economic and financial data

Author: Tammer Kamel, tammerk@quandl.com http://www.quandl.com; http://www.linkedin.com/in/tammerkamel/

Jueves 25 de abril de 2013, por Carlos San Juan

Tammer Kamel developed a repository for economic and financial data tailored for researchers, and especially students. The site is open and free, and has over 5 million economic, demographic, and social time series datasets available for downloading. Importantly, the ease by which a user can find, trim, transform, merge, and download time series data from Quandl is in my opinion, unmatched elsewhere.

I have developed a tailored for researchers, and especially students. The site is open and free, and has over 5 million economic, demographic, and social time series datasets available for downloading. Importantly, the ease by which a user can find, trim, transform, merge, and download time series data from Quandl is in my opinion, unmatched elsewhere.

I’ve provided more information here:

QUANDL repository for economic and financial data


Pointers to other datasources

Tammer Kamel



At Quandl our mission is to make data easy to find and easy to use. We do this by indexing time-series data from the Internet and making it available in a standardized format through our search engine. Quandl allows users to export any data set in ready-to-use formats like .csv, .xml and others. We are enabling the power of data.

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