Universidad Carlos III de Madrid - UC3M

Portada del sitio > Asignaturas / Teaching > Economics of European Integration > Brexit or BINO (Brexit In Name Only)? > Inmigration after Brexit in the UK

Inmigration after Brexit in the UK

Jonathan Portes (2022) Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Volume 38, Number 1, pp. 82–96

Miércoles 22 de febrero de 2023, por Carlos San Juan

I review trends in migration to the UK since the Brexit referendum, examining first the sharp fall in net migration from the EU that resulted, and then the recent more dramatic exodus of foreign-born residents during the covid-19 pandemic. I describe the new post-Brexit system, and review studies which attempt to estimate both the impact on future migration flows and on GDP and GDP per capita. Finally, I discuss the wider economic impact of the new system and some of the policy implications.

Documentos adjuntos

  • I review trends in migration to the UK since the Brexit referendum, examining first the sharp fall in net migration from the EU that resulted, and then the recent more dramatic exodus of foreign-born residents during the covid-19 pandemic. I describe the new post-Brexit system, and review studies which attempt to estimate both the impact on future migration flows and on GDP and GDP per capita. Finally, I discuss the wider economic impact of the new system and some of the policy implications.

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