Universidad Carlos III de Madrid - UC3M

Home page > Asignaturas / Teaching > Economics of European Integration > Readings on Economics of European Integration > The European response to the COVID 19 Economic recession > SPRING ECONOMIC FORECAST FOR THE EU 2020


Commission, May 2020. Brussels

Tuesday 12 May 2020, by Carlos San Juan

Key messages from the Spring 2020 European Economic Forecast

1. The deepest recession since the Great Depression with an uneven impact

2. An incomplete and uneven recovery

3. Inflation will be significantly weaker

4. Unemployment is set to increase, though policy measures should limit its rise

5. Necessary policy measures will cause public deficits and debt to rise in 2020

6. Risks to the outlook are exceptionally large and to the downside

Risks to the outlook are large and tilted to the downside

(-) A longer-lasting or more severe pandemic than assumed

(-) Fragmentation of the single market and entrenched structural divergences

(-) Financial instability globally and in the EU

(-) A rise in protectionism

(+) Impact of a well-coordinated and financed European recovery plan

(+) A faster than expected availability of a vaccine or treatment drug

Downloadable presentation pdf bellow and INFOGRAPHICS Spring Economic Forecast 2020 infographic _ European Commission.pdf

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