State-Owned Enterprises: Trade Effects and Policy Implications
Autor: Przemyslaw Kowalski, Max Büge, Monika Sztajerowska, Matias Egeland. OECD TRADE POLICY PAPERS, 2013
Martes 9 de abril de 2013, por Carlos San Juan
With a growing integration via trade and investment, state-owned enterprises (SOEs) that
have traditionally been oriented towards domestic markets increasingly compete with private
firms in the global market place. Three principal questions emerge from the international trade
perspective: (1) How important is state ownership in the global economy; (2) What types of
advantages granted to SOEs by governments (or disadvantages afflicting them) are
inconsistent with the key principles of the non-discriminatory trading system; and (3) What
policies and practices support effective competition among all market participants? Using a
sample of world‘s largest firms and their foreign subsidiaries, this paper shows that the extent
of state presence in various countries and economic sectors is significant. Moreover, many of
the countries with the highest SOE shares and economic sectors with strong SOE presence are
intensely traded. The potential for economic distortions is hence large, if some of these SOEs
benefit from unfair advantages granted to them by governments–an allegation that is often
raised in political and business circles. Existing information on such advantages is often either
anecdotal or limited to individual cases. As a groundwork for future analysis and building on
the existing information and literature, this paper presents a conceptual discussion of how
potential SOE advantages can generate cross-border effects. It also describes several cases
when actions of SOEs as well as advantages allegedly granted to them by governments have
been contested as inconsistent with national or international regulations, albeit with varying
degree of success. This may be partially explained by the fact that existing regulatory
frameworks that discipline some forms of anti-competitive behaviour of SOEs have been
designed with domestic objectives in mind or were conceived at times when the state sector
was oriented primarily towards domestic markets. The survey of existing rules at the national,
bilateral and multilateral levels presented in this paper is a first step in determining whether
there is a need to fill any gaps and in finding the most constructive ways of doing so.
Keywords: international trade, international investment, state-owned enterprises, ownership,
WTO, competition policy, competitive neutrality
JEL classification: F13, F14, F21, F23, G38.