Universidad Carlos III de Madrid - UC3M

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001 State Productivity Growth in Agriculture: Catching-Up and the Business Cycle

Authors: V. Eldon Ball, Carlos San Juan and Camilo Ulloa. Journal of Productivity Analysis. (2014) State productivity growth in agriculture: catching-up and the business cycle. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 42(3), 327-338.

Viernes 7 de junio de 2013, por Carlos San Juan

This paper examines the relation between the business cycle and convergence in levels of agricultural productivity across the forty-eight contiguous states. First, we find evidence of convergence in TFP levels across the different phases of the business cycle, but the speed of convergence was greater during periods of contraction in economic activity than during periods of expansion. Second, we find that technology embodied in capital was an important source of productivity growth in agriculture. As with the rate of catch-up, the embodiment effect was much stronger during low economic activity phases of the business cycle. KEY WORDS: Agriculture; convergence; total factor productivity

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  • This paper examines the relation between the business cycle and convergence in levels of agricultural productivity across the forty-eight contiguous states. First, we find evidence of convergence in TFP levels across the different phases of the business cycle, but the speed of convergence was greater during periods of contraction in economic activity than during periods of expansion. Second, we find that technology embodied in capital was an important source of productivity growth in agriculture. As with the rate of catch-up, the embodiment effect was much stronger during low economic activity phases of the business cycle.

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