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Land, water and energy: crossing of governance

Author: Carlos San Juan Mesonada. Eco Desert 21/4/2019

Tuesday 19 February 2019, by Carlos San Juan

The paper focuses on the conflictive relationship between the regulation to preserve natural resources and farmer populations. In irrigated areas, especially those with intensive greenhouse crops, the interaction with the human populations that develop agricultural systems for commercial production of food is highly dependent on governance quality

Use of land and water has a long tradition of regulations to resolve social conflicts. With the development of new irrigation techniques involving pressurized pipes energy began to be a key factor to save water and intensify food production

The liberalization of the energy market in Spain provides a natural experiment to observe the impact on irrigated land of changes in the regulation of water and energy markets. Regulatory measures in the water market, together with crop taxes and subsidies, are also considered to quantify the impact on farm profitability

Attached documents

  • The paper focuses on the conflictive relationship between the regulation to preserve natural resources and farmer populations. In irrigated areas, especially those with intensive greenhouse crops, the interaction with the human populations that develop agricultural systems for commercial production of food is highly dependent on governance quality

    Use of land and water has a long tradition of regulations to resolve social conflicts. With the development of new irrigation techniques involving pressurized pipes energy began to be a key factor to save water and intensify food production

    The liberalization of the energy market in Spain provides a natural experiment to observe the impact on irrigated land of changes in the regulation of water and energy markets. Regulatory measures in the water market, together with crop taxes and subsidies, are also considered to quantify the impact on farm profitability

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