Universidad Carlos III de Madrid - UC3M

Portada del sitio > Asignaturas / Teaching > Mercados y Medio Ambiente > Lecturas sobre Mercados y medio ambiente. Turismo. > 007.01. Riesgos climáticos y cambio técnico > European flooding costs could increase almost five-fold by (...)

European flooding costs could increase almost five-fold by 2050

Science for the Environment Policy. 15 May 2014 Issue 372

Lunes 19 de mayo de 2014, por Carlos San Juan

Extreme and catastrophic floods in Europe, such as those seen in 2013, currently occur approximately once every 16 years, but this may increase to once every 10 years by 2050, according to new research. The study also suggests that annual average economic losses caused by extreme floods could reach almost five times higher than 2013 values.

Extreme and catastrophic floods in Europe, such as those seen in 2013, currently occur approximately once every 16 years, but this may increase to once every 10 years by 2050, according to new research. The study also suggests that annual average economic losses caused by extreme floods could reach almost five times higher than 2013 values.

European flooding costs could increase almost five-fold by 2050

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