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Evaluation of the Market Responsibility Programme put forward by the European Milk Board taking 2014 as a test year

Alan Matthews and Rossella Soldi. EU. 2016 ISBN: 978-92-895-0874-2. doi:10.2863/185270

Wednesday 15 June 2016, by Carlos San Juan

The EU dairy sector crisis is still on the agenda of policy makers as protests by farmers and farmers’ representative organisations on low farm-gate milk prices continue. The farm aid package of EUR 500 million proposed by the European Commission (EC) and endorsed by the Council of Agriculture Ministers on 15 September 2015 did not halt the raising of concerns, including at the institutional level. In response to these concerns expressed by some national delegations, the Presidency of the Council of the European Union decided to have a formal discussion on the market situation in the dairy sector at the March 2016 Council of Agriculture Ministers meeting. On that occasion, measures currently in place as part of the farm aid package agreed in September 2015 will also be assessed.

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