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A Water Blueprint – taking stock, moving forward

Commission 2013

Monday 4 February 2013, by Carlos San Juan

The “Blueprint” outlines actions that concentrate on better implementation of current water legislation, integration of water policy objectives into other policies, and filling the gaps in particular as regards water quantity and efficiency. The objective is to ensure that a sufficient quantity of good quality water is available for people’s needs, the economy and the environment throughout the EU. The Water Blueprint’s time horizon is closely related to the EU’s 2020 Strategy and, in particular, to the 2011 Resource Efficiency Roadmap, of which the Blueprint is the water milestone. However, the analysis underpinning the Blueprint covers a longer time span, up to 2050, and is expected to drive EU water policy over the long term.

Follow the link:

Water blueprint

The Communication and reports adopted by the Commission, alongside a variety of supporting background documents can be found here.

The blueprint to Safeguard Europe’s Water resources - Communication from the Commission (COM(2012)673

Impact Assessment SWD(2012)381 Executive summary

Impact assessment SWD(2012)382 Part1

Impact assessment SWD(2012)382 Part 2

Press release

Questions and answers

Impacto para la agricultura española del documento ‘Blueprint to Safeguard Europe’s Water Resources’

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