EU Commission 2017
Monday 20 November 2017, by Carlos San Juan
On this page you will find aggregated information on finances (planned and implemented), EU payments made to the Member States and Interreg programmes, and achievements (targets, decided and implemented) under the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) 2014-2020. Total EU and Member States.
Total EU Budget by Fund, in € (daily update): The EU financing, national co-financing and total financing are visible using the filters provided in the blue bar above. Based on the filter chosen the planned financing over the period 2014-2020 is presented below 1) aggregated by fund, 2) broken down by major theme and 3) then by the country allocations.
Total Budget by Fund, EUR (daily update) Explore and Share this Data
Total Budget by Theme, EUR Billion (daily update) Explore and Share this Data
Total Budget by Member State, EUR Billion (daily update) Explore and Share this Data
Implementation Progress (total cost) for EU Overview (daily update) Explore and Share this Data
Total cumulative EU payments by fund (daily update) Explore and Share this Data
Total cumulative EU payments by Member State (daily update) Explore and Share this Data