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The Outlook for the Global Economy and for Spain (powerpoint presentation)

Autor: Rafael Doménech, BBVA Research Atlanta, April 8, 2013

Martes 9 de abril de 2013, por Carlos San Juan

The perception regarding the prospects of the global economic scenario has improved as a result of a relaxation of financial tensions, particularly in Europe, and the agreements to avoid a disorderly fiscal contraction in the US However, to sustain the recovery, appropriate policies must be adopted in both the US and, particularly, in the euro area, where risks are more significant Without ruling out upside surprises, the risks remain tilted to the downside, although they appear less likely now than until summer 2012. Spain: caution due to existing risks. In 2013, conditioned to lower financial tensions, the economy should bottom out. Growth expected in 2014. It is crucial to take advantage of the window of opportunity that has opened up in Europe and Spain to push through reforms that shore up the improvement in confidence.

Outloock of the global economy and Spain_Domenech_BBVA-2013

Contents: Global and Spanish Economic Outlook 2013

Section 1 Global economy: economic outlook improves Section 2 Spain: will recovery start in 2013?

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